The precious soul of Jean Della (DuVal) Drew,  entered in the gates of Glory on Tuesday, May 18, 2021.

Our mom and dad called Fairport their home for approximately 60 years. Mom was so very proud of the community in which she lived. She often bragged about the years she spent working in one of Fairport’s most notable hotspots, Hawk’s Diner. She was happy to be a part of such a quaint little village and felt blessed to be able to raise her children there.

Over the past 2 years our mom had suffered great sorrow and loss. She was diagnosed with bile duct cancer shortly after the tragic dead of her husband, (our dad), of 62 years, Norman R. Drew, who was run over by a motor vehicle while riding his mobility scooter through Fairport. After dad’s death, it was clear that mom must leave the family home and relocate to my home, (Norma) in Walworth. During her 2 year battle with cancer, she underwent an extremely dangerous surgery. Soon after surgery, she lost her eyesight and became totally blind.

Throughout all of this, Mom remained positive, always encouraging others and assuring them that she was doing well. Her focus was not on her illness, rather the welfare of her family. Her conversations about her family were filled with pride in their accomplishments, concern in their times of trouble and prayers for their safety and health. Mom loved her family and friends with an unconditional love.

Mom had developed friendships that had stood the test of time. All who met her viewed her as one of the sweetest ladies they knew.

Mom was very vocal about her faith and loved to talk to everyone she met about the day she met her Saviour and became born again. She always encouraged them to do the same.

It is the assurance of her faith and the devotion to her Lord that gives us great comfort in knowing that our mom, is being held right now in the arms of Jesus and reunited with her loved ones who have gone before.

We love you, Mom.

Arrangements for mom’s celebration of life will be forthcoming.


24 responses to “Drew, Jean D.”

  1. Teresa Coburn Avatar
    Teresa Coburn

    A loving tribute to your mom. So sorry Norma!

  2. Robin Walton Avatar
    Robin Walton

    Jean your love for me is I measurable Irate thing you said to me and the last upon our meeting. “Robin I love you!” Jean I love you too. Great friend no better example of kindness! Thank you for you may I leave up to the example you left. Rest In Peace can’t wait to see you again

  3. Norma J Ridley Avatar
    Norma J Ridley

    Love you, Mom. We miss you so much….

  4. Judith Linton-Cassata Avatar
    Judith Linton-Cassata

    Beautifully written!
    Touching tribute!
    Jean iis smiling!

  5. Regina Loth Avatar
    Regina Loth

    Norma what a beautiful tribute. Your mom was so proud of you and Danny. She always had wonderful things to say about you both. Especially these last couple of years you and David were on her A list. My dear Jean isn’t suffering anymore.

  6. Bonnie Lewis Avatar
    Bonnie Lewis

    That describes Jean to a tee. What a sweet lady. I have missed her these last two years, but so happy she is in glory with her saviour.

  7. Terri Johnson Avatar
    Terri Johnson

    Only meet your mom once but we were FB friends and I always enjoyed her post whether it was pictures of the snow on her deck or her outings to lunch she seemed to be a special lady so sorry for your loss

  8. Michael Fox Avatar
    Michael Fox

    Rest in peace Jane now you’re with Norm miss you both

  9. Cherie Dussinger Avatar
    Cherie Dussinger

    Some of my childhood years were living next to this family; I would babysit sometimes for Norma and Danny and other times just visit with Jean. Jean treated me like family and would take me camping and places I would never have had the chance to experience without them. Rest in peace Jean.

  10. Maria Rickner Avatar
    Maria Rickner

    Beautiful tribute to the sweetest and most encouraging person I’ve ever met. She was truly kind to everyone and had a genuine concern for their spiritual and emotional well being. We lost a treasure but heaven is her home now. I’ve missed you, Jean, but will see you again

  11. Gemma Petracca Avatar
    Gemma Petracca

    Every endearment that you so eloquently stated about your Dear Mom, Jean and my good friend is so true of her character. I loved the many, many times we spent at Riki’s and I looked forward to those times. I loved Jean as I do the Drew Family over the decades. May the Good Lord grant you Peace and Strength during this trying time.

  12. Beth Lee Avatar
    Beth Lee

    Norma and Danny I know the pain and heart ache…I’m so sorry. She was a beautiful women that loved her family especially her husband ..She is now dancing with Norm at Jesus’s feet…embrace the memories…

  13. Bonnie Border Avatar
    Bonnie Border

    Mrs.Drew I have known since I was a little girl..she will be surely missed but I know she is so much better with her Lord..until we meet again…..

  14. Hope Baker Avatar
    Hope Baker

    What a beautiful tribute to Grandma. ? I have so many special memories with Grandma…at times we laughed until we cried. I feel like I never left her home empty handed. She was always sending me home with special trinkets she bought from Avon or Mary Kay. She would give the kids a few coins or a cookie to take for the car ride home. She was such a joy to be around, and loved to spend time with family and friends. When we would meet for Christmas Eve at her house she would tell us, “Well, it’s all over now!” I think she said that half way through every holiday, and the family always got a laugh. We love Grandma dearly, and look forward to seeing her again one day. It brings me comfort to know that her health and sight are perfect and she is at peace in heaven. ?

  15. Dawn Nodar Avatar
    Dawn Nodar

    We love you Jean. You always made me laugh! You will always be remembered ❤️

  16. Daniel Drew Avatar
    Daniel Drew

    Love you mom and miss you so much already I know I will see you again

  17. Karen Palmesano Avatar
    Karen Palmesano

    Beautiful tribute to your mom. Jean and I bonded in friendship as soon as we met. We would talk about and pray for our families, share good times and bad, and she was always up for meeting somewhere for coffee! She always had a word of encouragement and a hug for me. Love you, Jean. See you again in heaven. Love to the family.

  18. Jimmy and Liza Avatar
    Jimmy and Liza

    Aunt Jean I’m proud of you for living your life with your heart always in the right place.Liza and I like many others will miss you dearly. Love You

  19. Linda Drew Avatar
    Linda Drew

    Miss you so much. Miss all the crazy things we would talk about. Could talk about things that only we knew about. Love you Princess

  20. Lynne Dodd Avatar
    Lynne Dodd

    Such a beautiful tribute to a most wonderful lady — she was a gem whom I have great memories of ~ thanking the Lord that she is safely home, completely healed and that her faith has become sight.

  21. Julie (Neill) Wentworth Avatar
    Julie (Neill) Wentworth

    My childhood was extra special because of having her in my life. I called her Aunt Jean who loved her dear friend Donna’s kids like family. To me she and Aunt Linda were my rock! I love them both as my family. I will miss her laugh and love. Fly high and enjoy your beautiful wings. You got them at the gates I am sure of that.

  22. Diane Kohlmetz Avatar
    Diane Kohlmetz

    Jean was a dear and special friend for many many years. She was a faithful friend, an encourager, always had a hug for you, and would make you laugh. She lived and shared her faith. Jean and I and Betty thought of ourselves as “The Golden Girls”; we had that kind of friendship. We loved and supported each other through some very difficult times in our lives. I have sweet memories of so many good times together, almost every Friday night together for several years, taking drives together, occasionally treating ourselves to dinner at a fancy restaurant. Jean and Betty went home to be with the Lord just about a year apart. I miss them both dearly but look forward to being together again in heaven some day. My deepest sympathies to all her family and friends.

  23. Kim (Ebner) Pelton Avatar
    Kim (Ebner) Pelton

    I met Jean over 40 years ago, when we worked at Kmart together. She was a ray of sunshine, she always had a story to tell and a smile to share. My sympathies to her kids who she adored.

  24. Katie Avatar

    I worked with Jean about 20 years ago at a call center job in East Rochester. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your family’s loss. I remember her being a delight to chat with about all sorts of topics and she made many people smile.