July 3rd, 2024 Mary Sestito passed away at 101 years old.  She was loved by many and known for her kindness and caring for others.  Mary was predeceased by her loving husband Joseph Sestito.    She is survived by her sons Joseph and David, daughter in-laws Beth and Eileen, plus grandchildren Laura and husband Brett, Michele Sestito, David Sestito, Gabrielle (Sestito) Higgins and husband Jerry, great grandchildren Violet and Victor Higgins, Jaelyn, Kealee, and Alivia Oberer.  Funeral Mass will be held on Thursday July 11, 2024, 10AM at Church of the Assumption, 20 East Avenue, Fairport.

Mom was born and lived on Jackson Street in Geneva through her early 20’s.  She met her future husband Joe at the dances held at Roseland Park in Canandaigua. They were married October 1947 and resided on Water Street in Fairport upstairs from Butch and Mary Santillo until moving to Nelson Street in 1956. She resided there through her 100th birthday before spending her last year and a half at Aaron Manor.

Mom worked 40 years at the American Can Company. She started working on the lines, eventually working her way up to inspector. Retired at age 65.

Mom was always family oriented. When we were kids, took vacations to Niagara Falls, Lake George, Old Forge, and the like. Sometimes mom and dad would round us all up and we’d get in the car and just go for a long drive in the country, usually with a stop for ice cream somewhere along the way. Saturday nights we all went to the Quonset Inn for burgers and fries.  Every Tuesday it was Grandma Sestito’s  for macaroni.  And who can forget the 40 plus years the Sestito family gathered at our house for Christmas Eve.  It was a time of conversation, food, drinks, laughs, and more times than not, those old home movies! With mom’s family, the back yard family reunions were filled with games, swimming, and plenty of food. There were various holiday get togethers, baptism’s, communions, and confirmations, along with weddings and anniversary parties too many to mention. 

Together, mom and dad did everything together.  People often said you rarely saw one without the other. They loved to travel. Las Vegas once, sometimes twice a year, Atlantic City, Florida, the Catskills, and cruises during their younger days.  Later were day trips with the church, or with Perinton recreation seniors.  Mom made it a point right to the very end to tell dad, us, and others;

 “No regrets – we did it all!”

After Dad passed, mom flourished on her own.  She went to bingo, plus continued to take advantage of Perinton Recreation senior outings, particularly the casino trips.   She, Aunt Mary, and Aunt Rose, along with others, met every weekday morning at McDonald’s. Every Friday mom would get her hair done, followed by Pokeno at the Rec Center. Every Saturday morning was our traveling breakfast bunch. She also attended 4:00 mass every Saturday.  And of course, was always involved with family, particularly as a proud grandma and great-grandma.

Mom was nothing if not resilient. She survived a number of health issues, including THREE bouts of breast cancer, two occurances of rectal prolapse surgery, and contracting and surviving Covid at 100 years old. It’s not surprising she got the nickname of “The Energizer Bunny”, as whatever the obstacle, she would push through it and come out the other side drums a pounding!

Yes, mom lived a long, fulfilled life,certainly along with its ups and downs, joys and heartaches.

But through it all we can be thankful she left this earth content and a peace.

 In the end, that is all that really matters.

Love, her boys,

Joe and Dave.


14 responses to “Sestito, Mary J.”

  1. Sue Mangefrida Beck Avatar
    Sue Mangefrida Beck

    The FHS Class of ‘77 sends its condolences to our classmate Dave and all the Sestito family on the passing of their matriarch.

    1. Dave Sestito Avatar
      Dave Sestito

      Thank you Sue! How fast time goes, which is why every day is a gift!
      Best regards,

  2. michael f bucher Avatar
    michael f bucher

    Dave and Joe, she was a very sweet lady you are very lucky to have her with you for such a long time. our prayers a with your family God Bless

    1. Dave Sestito Avatar
      Dave Sestito

      Thank you Mike! You know first hand how it is to lose a parent. I hope you and everyone are doing well.
      Best regards,
      Dave and Joe

  3. Stephen D Marra Avatar
    Stephen D Marra

    Joe and family,
    My deepest condolences on the loss of your mom.
    Mary was such an amazing wife, mother and grandmother and will truly be missed by all.
    Celebrate her long and fruitful life and take solace in knowing that she is in a better place. And you will see her again.

    1. Dave Sestito Avatar
      Dave Sestito

      Thank you Stephen. Thankfully she had a great life!

  4. Lawrence DiRisio Avatar
    Lawrence DiRisio

    Joe, both your parents were truly good people. Deepest sympathy to you and family. Love, Larry DiRisio

  5. Kenny Grano Avatar
    Kenny Grano

    Deepest sympathy. Like you told me, Joe, it’s not like she didn’t live a rich,long life. I’ll always remember pulling up in your driveway one Saturday morning and you both reading the newspaper sitting in the garage. So Italian, so blessed.

  6. Donna Avatar

    Oh Where do I start, I had the pleasure to be one of Mary’s aides to help her with her everyday healthcare needs for almost four years at her house on Nelson street, Mary and I hit it off right away, we both loved each other and the time we were able to spend together, her telling me life stories , watching her favorite tv shows , or sometimes her and I would just sit and sing together, we would often joke that I was the daughter she never had, Joe and Dave we kind enough to let us aides continue to be a part of Mary’s life when she moved to Aaron manor, I was with her there every Wednesday for the last year and a half, And I was also Thankful to be able to be with her in the morning on the day of her passing. My Wednesday just won’t be the same!! Rest in peace my sweet friend.

    1. Dave Sestito Avatar
      Dave Sestito

      Thank you Donna! You truly had a connection with Mom…..very special! Joe and I thank you for your help over the years right until the end!

      Best regards,

  7. Jim Howell Avatar
    Jim Howell

    Joe so sorry to hear about your Mom. May she rest in peace.

  8. Greg and Sue Szeremeta Avatar
    Greg and Sue Szeremeta

    Joe and Beth,
    So sorry for your loss.
    God bless.

  9. To Dave and his family,
    So sorry to hear of your loss.

  10. Mary Ann Kingsley Avatar
    Mary Ann Kingsley

    To Dave and his family,
    So sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom/Grandmother .