In Loving Memory of James R. Hotaling 

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Jim, who peacefully left this world on July 14th, at the age of ninety-two. Jim was a cherished father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, a dedicated community member, and a friend to all who had the privilege of knowing him. 

Born on March 21st, 1932, Jim lived a life marked by love, faith, and unwavering patriotism. His devotion to his family was evident in every facet of his life, always putting their needs above his own and cherishing every moment spent with them. 

A man of profound faith, he found strength and solace in his relationship with God, which guided his actions and decisions throughout his life. He was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford for over 50 years. 

Jim was a pillar of the community, known for his generosity and kindness. Over the years, he volunteered at the Fairport Tool Thrift Shop, Byron Bergen School, American Heart Association, Boy Scouts of America, to name a few. He never met a stranger who did not become a friend, and his genuine warmth and openness made everyone feel welcome and valued. His legacy of giving back to the community is a testament to his belief in the importance of helping others and making the world a better place. 

After 28 fulfilling years, Jim retired from Eastman Kodak Company in 1991. His journey with Kodak was marked by incredible experiences and numerous professional milestones. He cherished his time at the company, where he built lasting relationships. 

A patriot at heart, he enlisted in the United States Army and served overseas in the Korean War. Jim held a deep love for his country, always expressing gratitude for the freedoms and opportunities it provided. His life was a testament to the values of love, service, and friendship. 

He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Ann Kay (Wihlen); two sons, Jeff and Donna Hotaling, John and Sue Hotaling; two daughters Barb and Brad Clarke, Beth and Paul Poppoon, 6 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren, who will forever cherish his memory and carry forward his legacy of love and kindness. 

A celebration of Jim’s life is being held on August 31st, 2024, at 1:00 pm, at the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford, where family and friends are invited to share the joy of having known such a remarkable man. This celebration will also be live streamed at, . In place of flowers, the family requests donations be made to a Charity or Organization of your choosing reflecting Jim’s lifelong commitment to helping others. 

Jim’s departure leaves a void that can never be filled, but his spirit will continue to live on in the hearts of those who knew him. May he rest in peace, and may his memory bless us all. 


29 responses to “Hotaling, James R.”

  1. Donna Hotaling Avatar
    Donna Hotaling

    Jim will be missed so much. As my Father in law we shared our love for God and our love for family with each other. He was like sunshine. Warm with his words and definitely brightened my day or night when we talked on the phone. Miles away and on the phone. He would say. You are so pretty. I would reply. You are so handsome. Almost every phone call.. words can’t express how much my Father in law meant to me and the time we shared together. Jim I know you are in heaven with Jesus now. There will come a time I will see you in heaven and i can smile knowing you will say. You are so pretty and I will say. You are so handsome. I love you

  2. Irene and Joe Perricone Avatar
    Irene and Joe Perricone

    Dear Jim,

    We never got to have that breakfast last month. My fault. You had to go home Jim. You got the call and you went. I’m sure you’ll have good company at breakfast there. Breakfast at Rikkies will never be the same for me. You made it special with the carvings you would bring, your interactions with the wait staff, and just the great conversations we had. I shall miss all of it Jim. You are irreplaceable Jim and Irene and I will always remember you.


    Irene and Joe Perricone

  3. Mike Lubas Avatar
    Mike Lubas

    Jim was, by the grace of God, a gentle man. Always at the forefront of wanting to know how you were doing, even when his own doings were at low ebb. And by that same grace of God, Jim was no one’s doormat. He knew both what was important and why. Be they matters of his Christian faith, tender mercies of the heart or the latest political developments, he held his ground with dignity, knowledge and balance. Much like every piece of wood he shaped into something beautiful and useful, Jim’s attention to life’s details, need for discipline and discipleship, leaves a lasting
    Impression. Thanks be to God for granting him life among us… and now with the saints in Heaven.

  4. Lisa Laurro Avatar
    Lisa Laurro

    Dear Barb, Beth and family, my sincere condolences and prayers for you and your family. Your Father was a wonderful man and I am glad I had the opportunity to know him when I was living in Fairport. I recall he let me borrow a Christian book, it was a good one. May the comfort of God give each of you strength and peace. Always in your heart! In Christ, Lisa Laurro (FHS & Young Life Leader)

  5. Bob Salmon Avatar
    Bob Salmon

    I had the privilege of knowing Jim at KODAK for many years. My wife and I would see him at various times and places during the ‘Retirement Years’, and quite often at the Pittsford Presbyterian sales. Jim was always very personable, and we had many good conversations regarding the “Good Old Days’ at KODAK. MY sincere condolences to the family.

  6. Sandra Newman Avatar
    Sandra Newman

    I worked with Jim for several years at Eastman Kodak company. We would talk about Jim’s woodworking, our families, and what he did with our weekends. Jim was always interested in people and would stop and greet those he knew to find out how they were doing and would give that pat on the back as a friendly gesture. I enjoyed Jim’s humor and we had a few laughs. God bless Jim’s family and I know that the good Lord is taking care of Jim.

  7. Barbara Smith Avatar
    Barbara Smith

    I will always remember seeing you at the Tool Thrift Shop, when I came there to pick up Bill who was also volunteering at the same time. And seeing you at First Presbyterian was great also. You will be missed!

    My condolences to all of your family.

  8. Dave Testa Avatar
    Dave Testa

    You definitely are one of a kind. I enjoyed your company so much at Thursday Bible session, and every time I saw you in church you always implored to “Please come back. We miss you”. You also always tried to bring me to my knees with either your handshake or your fingers around my wrist. Of course, I always went down and pleaded for you to release me, which always brought the sweetest twinkle in your eye and smile on your face. You were a person to be loved – truly a wise and good man. May God hold you close, you deserve it.

  9. Bob Martin Avatar
    Bob Martin

    I met Jim at the G.V.W. woodcarving meeting many years ago. The first time I met Jim I was at a club meeting and I was nearly done working on a woodpecker, Jim watched me a few minutes then he said “That is the ugliest dog carving I have ever seen” that cracked me up and we were fast friends. We seemed to like the same classes, because it seemed I was sitting next to Jim at many sessions. He would always refer to me as “The Teachers Pet”. I will forever miss Jim and his fun teasing remarks.
    Bob Martin

  10. Carrie Gaynor Avatar
    Carrie Gaynor

    My condolences to Jim’s family and loved ones. My memories of Jim stem from my time at the SMH Cardiac Rehabilitation program where Jim was a positive force. Jim was enrolled in a research study I was facilitating, during which time I learned how amazing both his physical and spiritual heart was. Another fond memory of Jim was his love for woodworking. During those years, Jim sold his beautiful handmade Christmas ornaments at holiday time, and I bought a few of them. I hold these ornaments dear because they remind me of those times, and I see Jim’s smile as I unwrap them each Christmas. He is already missed.

  11. Susan Greenberg Avatar
    Susan Greenberg

    Jim was my mentor at Kodak. He got me back to college and with that I received an AAS, BS and MS. One of my most cherished and beloved moments was when Jim and Ann Kay were at my graduation party from UR. It was at my parents’ house. When they came I could not be more pleased, joyful and respectful of Jim. Jim was the best thing that ever happened to me at Kodak!

  12. I had the privilege of working with Jim for most of our Kodak careers. Not only was he very competent, he was an excellent engineer and supervisor. We also were members of an investment club (we were more social than investment savvy!) And his woodworking skill blew me away!

    Jim battled health issues from his early working years, but that never held him back. I knoe he is being rewarded for his good work on earth; may he rest in God’s peace.

  13. Charles Bisuito Avatar
    Charles Bisuito

    Knew Jim for years. Met him at cardio rehab in Henrietta and remained friends since. He was a true gentlemen and a kind individual. Wanted me to take him out on the lake in my boat. I don’t have one, but that did not stop him from asking. again and again. haha

    Going to miss him and his wonderful sense of

  14. Brian Ginocchetti Avatar
    Brian Ginocchetti

    We have been taking our family vacation at Myrtle for the past 20years and that is how we met Jim. He will always be remembered by us for his quick wit, sarcastic comments and funny jokes. It was clear from the moment we met Jim how proud he was of his whole family. I always loved our chats in the hallways of our condo building at the beach 🏖. To Jim’s family, we extend our deepest condolences. May you find comfort in all of the great memories of him.

    All the best,
    Brian and Liz Ginocchetti

  15. Linda Tenz Parker Avatar
    Linda Tenz Parker

    Jim was kind and intelligent. Very respected by many Kodak Park employees

  16. Don Haag Avatar
    Don Haag

    All at Kodak loved and respected this great man.

  17. Shamblen Elizabeth and Donald Avatar
    Shamblen Elizabeth and Donald

    One could always depend on Jim to share a joke or funny story.
    Ann Kay and family .. Please accept our Deepest Sincere Sympathy
    Betty & Don Shamblen

  18. Mario Bonfiglio Avatar
    Mario Bonfiglio

    I interacted with Jim professionally at Kodak and knew he was extremely competent and well thought of by everyone but was unaware of the many contributions he made to his country, community, family and friends until now. May he rest in peace knowing he is well loved and respected by everyone he came in contact with.

  19. Alice McHail Avatar
    Alice McHail

    So sorry for your loss. Jim was a great friend of my Dad, Rex McHail. I would visit him often at my parents house while he and Dad were hiding out in the basement carving. After Dad’s passing Jim would continue to visit my Mom and me, and every Christmas would bring us pointsetta bigger than he was!! Rest in peace Jim!

  20. Joan Brandenburg Avatar
    Joan Brandenburg

    The Veterans Outreach Center extends our deepest sympathy in James’ passing.

    We acknowledge and are truly grateful for his service to our country.

  21. Al Bertman Avatar
    Al Bertman

    I can attest to Jim’s woodworking skills.Even though I had received the George Eastman Medallion recognizing my 25 years service at Eastman Kodak in 1973, Jim crafted an eight inch high Black Walnut Plaque that offerred me Congralutations as well. It hangs on the wall above my desk.

    Jim was a kind and thoughtful person and a good listener.
    May He Rest in Peace.
    Al Bertman, Zone A

  22. Jack Phillips Avatar
    Jack Phillips

    Jim was a model manager. He developed many young folks.
    He was caring and a great coach!

    God Bless you and give peace to you and your family!

  23. Robert Barker Avatar
    Robert Barker

    I worked with and for Jim at Kodak! He was my mentor and friend of me and my family! He believed in me and enhanced my Kodak career greatly! We both retired in 1991! We have both lived in Town of Perinton for many years. Throughout those years we have bumped into each other at many different locations. Every time it was a new experience! He always asked about my wife and family! We all loved him for what he was! Thanks Jim for making me what I am today! Bob and Sheila Barker

  24. Bill McColgin Avatar
    Bill McColgin

    I’ve known Jim Hotaling for years as a most talented member of the Finger Lakes Wood Turners. Jim was one of the few here to turn a full-size, wearable, wooden cowboy hat. He was a great mentor to others as well and was always glad to help. He exhorted club members to turn thousands of wooden tops for children over the years. One year, I got to go with him as he delivered hundreds to the Golisano Children’s Hospital and to other children’s centers. In recent years Jim took up and excelled at wood carving. I saw some of his carved birds and the awards they received.
    I know Jim volunteered at the Fairport Tool Thrift Shop and I don’t where all else. My last visits with Jim were for donuts and coffee after early church service. Afterwards, I would drive him to visit friends at a senior living center. Although frail, he always insisted he could get out of the car by himself and get to the entrance. And he did.
    Jim, you will always be remembered and will always be missed.

  25. Kathy Dewey Avatar
    Kathy Dewey

    My sincere condolences to his family and to Ann Kay. He will be greatly missed.

  26. Frank Panczyszyn Avatar
    Frank Panczyszyn

    I too had the privilege to work for and with Jim at Kodak for many years. He was a true gentleman and professional. God Bless him and his family

  27. Tom Braun Avatar
    Tom Braun

    To Jim’s family — please accept my condolences for your loss. I first met Jim in the fall of 1959 as a sophomore at Clarkson College. He was my dorm counselor and was a positive influence from the beginning. We both ended up with long careers at Kodak. Over the years our paths crossed many times. and it amazed me how positive he always was, even under adversity.
    Rest in peace, Jim

  28. Peter Crooker Avatar
    Peter Crooker

    It was a deep and true pleasure to work with Jim as a Hai Guy on Saturday mornings in the days when members of the church performed maintenance tasks. A sense of humor
    Helped to make each chore an easy one thanks to Jim’s thoughtful guidance.

  29. Mary Beth Marra Kelley Avatar
    Mary Beth Marra Kelley

    My dad knew Jim through their mutual love of woodworking. I have the beautiful Christmas ornament Jim gave my dad and hang it on my tree every year. My condolences to his family and friends on his passing.