Carol Ann Gingery Achilles, 85, of Perinton, NY passed away suddenly on January 8, 2024. 

Carol was born on May 30, 1938 to Stanley and Glenna Shattuck in Akron, Ohio. Her family moved to New Jersey when she was a young girl and they eventually settled in Cranford, NJ. She met her husband, Robert, there but they did not date until college. Carol graduated from Cranford High School in 1956. She then attended Ursinus College in Collegeville, Pennsylvania graduating in 1960 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics. 

After dating their junior and senior years of college, Bob and Carol Ann were married on August 27, 1960. They moved to Rochester soon after for Bob’s job at Kodak. Carol started teaching high school math at East High School (Rochester) in 1960. She taught at East HS from 1960 – 1963 and then quit to start a family. 

Carol and Bob’s daughter, Donna, was born in 1964 and their son, Geoffrey, in 1966. Carol stayed home raising their family until 1971 when she returned to teaching high school in their hometown of Webster. Carol taught at Webster Schroeder High School from 1971 – 1997. She loved teaching and being around the students. She was involved with class government, as a class advisor and coaching the Math team. She eventually became head of the Math department and specialized in teaching AP Calculus. 

Carol was a devoted wife, mother and sister. She never missed one of her children’s athletic contests or school events. In later years she was just as devoted a grandmother who spent as much time with her grandsons as possible from long distance. She also had a very special bond with her sister, Marilyn, and up until the end of her life would drive to Pennsylvania to visit her or bring her back to Rochester for a week to play bridge and various other activities they had planned.

After retiring from teaching in 1997, Carol got to spend more time on her favorite activities – gardening, playing tennis, and playing bridge. She also volunteered at the AAUW (American Association of University Women) organization of Rochester, In addition, she was the treasurer for the Webster Retired Educators Association.

Carol was predeceased by her brother Harold Gingery. She is survived by her husband of 63 years, Robert E. Achilles, her daughter Donna Clough (Stuart), son Geoffrey Achilles (Estefania), sister Marilyn Hoover, sister-in-law Marcia McComb, sister-in-law Marion Gingery and grandsons Mitchell Clough (Saundria), Benjamin Clough, Jason Clough and Marc Achilles as well as many nieces, nephews and friends. 

Services will be held at the Keenan Funeral Home (Egypt location) on Friday, January 19 at 11:00 am. A lunch gathering will take place immediately afterwards at the Perkins Mansion (494 East Ave., Rochester, NY). In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to AAUW GRAB or the Perkins Mansion. 


14 responses to “Achilles, Carol G.”

  1. Robert Keown Avatar
    Robert Keown

    Achilles Family,

    I was privileged to have Carol as my 10th Geometry teacher and also my teacher for my first formal computer classes when I attended Schroeder in the 70’s. Little did I know then it would become my career path (Thank you Mrs. A.). You are all in my prayers and may she rest in eternal peace!

  2. Mildred DeWitt Avatar
    Mildred DeWitt

    Carol was a friend of mine through AAUW in Rochester. She was one of the kindest people I hace ever known. I shall miss her and will keep her in my mind and heart always. Rest in Peace. Mildred DeWitt

  3. Judy Shelton Avatar
    Judy Shelton

    I was so shocked to find out the sudden passing of Carol. She was one of the most important role models for me at Schroeder High School. She also made wonderful contributions to the girls basketball by keeping stats at every game. She was the most respected teacher by the students as well as her peers! Her contributions to the school
    and Webster Community were outstanding. I will remember her as a dedicated teacher but more importantly a devoted mother and wife! RIP Carol!

  4. Dave Tomer Avatar
    Dave Tomer

    On behalf of the members of the Monday Duplicate Bridge Group at The Center in Greece, I send sincerest sympathies to Robert and to all her family and friends. She was a long-time player at our game, and played in our December 11 game and Christmas Party, finishing 1st for the session along with her partner. We are all shocked at her sudden passing and will miss her.

  5. Sue Bresson Avatar
    Sue Bresson

    So sorry to hear of Carol’s passing. I was in her computer programming class at HWS in 1980. Her daughter Donna was a teammate of mine in basketball and softball. Carol was always at our games. With empathy and understanding, love and prayers to Donna and Geoff and their entire family.

  6. Dawn (Nicastro) Moss Avatar
    Dawn (Nicastro) Moss

    Carol was my AP Calculus teacher at Schroeder in ‘80-81 and was a fantastic and empathetic teacher. I also played basketball and softball with her daughter Donna and can’t remember Carol ever missing a game. Condolences to Donna and her whole family.

  7. irene shaffer and mark pignagrande Avatar
    irene shaffer and mark pignagrande

    We were saddened to hear about Carols passing. Carol was a wonderful, great to work with volunteer in the Rochester philharmonic orchestra finance department for many years. We shared many stories about her beautiful family, her golden retrievers, and even her Sister Marilyn joined the office team whenever she visited Carol. Carol will truly be missed.

  8. Chuck Kochheiser Avatar
    Chuck Kochheiser

    It was my good fortune to have been a teaching colleague of Carol’s at Schroeder for over a decade. Carol was a masterful teacher and supervisor and even in retirement made contributions to her chosen profession. Her forever commitment to her husband, daughter, son and their families was exemplary. The level of care and kindness Carol provided for our close colleague Marge Guinan following her stroke was extraordinary in demonstrating what true friendship is all about. Carol was a valued friend. Extending sympathy to Bob, Donna and Geoffrey and families.
    Chuck Kochheiser no

  9. Being the bridge playing partner of Carol for more than two years at the Monday duplicate bridge game at the Greece Community Center, I must be really one of the lucky ones. Most of all, Carol is a most gracious and kind person I ever had the privilege of knowing. I have been enjoying thoroughly every single sessions I played with her since we first started playing on September 27, 2021. That was the time when NYS just lifted the group gathering restriction due to the Covid-19 pandemics and the Monday duplicate bridge game just re-started. We finished on top on that occasion! Certainly I was the major beneficiary of Carol’s great analytical mind and bridge game knowledge and skills. On December 11, 2023 of our group Christmas party we played the game. I was aware of her pending scheduled, minor (I thought!), surgery two days later. After the game which we finished on top again, I bid her good luck on the pending medical procedure and wished her “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and see you in 2024”. I just cannot imagine that I can’t see her and play with her any more.
    I was utterly shocked in disbelief when I learned of the sad news. My deepest sympathy to Bob, Marilyn and the families. I met Marilyn on several occasions and know how much Carol cared for her over the years. May you rest in eternal peace, Carol.

  10. Fond memories of AP Calc with Mrs. Achilles…can still name most everyone in that classroom. Go figure. Wish I could say I was a star but that would be a tremendous fabrication! Enjoyed her passion for the subject, joking with Donna, and swatting at tennis balls after school with Geoff. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.

  11. Jim Fletcher Avatar
    Jim Fletcher

    Bob and family, I am so, so sorry for your loss.
    Carol was a “Great” lady.
    While working at Grinnell’s Restuarant for a lot of years, I had the distinct pleasure of taking care of and chatting with both Carol and Bob during their frequent visits. Our conversations were always fun and sometimes funny. When I went to work and saw the “Achilles” name in the reservation book, my night was always a little brighter.
    Bob, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, and your whole family-!!
    Sincerely, Jim Fletcher (a Grinnell’s Freind)

  12. Barb Case Avatar
    Barb Case

    Dear Carol,
    How could you leave us?
    Eternal rest? – that’s not you!
    Even the plants at the Perkins Mansion will be grieving – missing their faithful caretaker.
    What’s a loss!

    Bob, Marilyn, family, and friends – 05 you find some peace.

    Barb, fellow bridge player

  13. Jean Erskine Avatar
    Jean Erskine

    My sympathy goes to Carol’s family and friends. She was such a vital part of AAU W and the bridge groups she was in. It’s hard to contemplate life without her. She left a wonderful legacy, though, and will never be fogotten.

  14. Marilyn Merrigan Avatar
    Marilyn Merrigan

    Carol was a wonderful volunteer at the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra for many years. So professional and just plain fun as well. I remember her for her support of the RPO Showhouses – working with Bob, of course. AND she always brought in those giant red hibiscus blooms for the office desk.

    It was a gift to know Carol and I wish the family and other friends peace and good memories.