Vicki R. DeRue passed away peacefully on July 20th at the age of 74.  She was a true fighter.  She won her battle with cancer, but the fight took a huge toll on her body, and she was not able to gain enough strength to survive.  Lawrence, her beloved husband, never left her side.  Their love lasted nearly 52 beautiful years!  She is predeceased by her father Charles Rogers. She is survived by her mother, Mary D. Rogers (93), and her children, Jonathan (Christy) DeRue, Kristen (Gregory) Galliford, and grandchildren, Grayson and Grady Galliford.  She is also survived by siblings, Rebecca (Robert) Reeder, Daniel (Barbara) Rogers, Cathy R. Stegmaier, Laura Jean (Jeffrey) Shipley-Kaczorowski, and many nieces and nephews.  She loved her family and friends, and true happiness came from them.

Vicki was an educator in the Gates Chili School District for 27 years as a High School English Teacher, District Writing Teacher, and an Instructional Coach.  She touched many lives and was a mentor to numerous teachers. Upon completion of her 2nd Master’s in Administration she finished her career as an administrator in the West Irondequoit School District.

In retirement, Vicki enjoyed time at her home in The Villages in Florida, walking in the pool, relaxing and reading a good book, and watching her grandkids play sports.  She was a planner who remembered to celebrate everyone, was never late for anything, had a heart of gold, and was the most thoughtful person you would ever meet.

“Good byes are not forever, are not the end. It simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.  As we say good bye to you, we take solace in knowing that your love will continue to guide us.”

Calling Hours Sunday July 28, 2024 1-4PM at the Richard H. Keenan Funeral Home (Egypt Location) 7501 Pittsford Palmyra Road, Fairport. Funeral Mass Monday July 29, 2024 11:30AM at St. Catherine of Siena Church 26 Mendon Ionia Rd, Mendon.


11 responses to “DeRue, Vicki R.”

  1. Barbara R Misiaszek Avatar
    Barbara R Misiaszek

    It was such a pleasure working with Vicki all those years at Gates Chili. She was kind and generous and lots of fun to work with. May she rest in peace.

  2. Mary P Phelps Avatar
    Mary P Phelps

    Vicki and I were friends at GC for many years, We both were accepted to the Leadership Program at SJFC. We supported each other throughout our time there and celebrated our graduation in 2005. She was a special friend and i always admire her many talents.
    I am so very sorry for your loss Larry and family. With sympathy and prayers.

  3. Susan Case Avatar
    Susan Case

    Vicki was a very supportive and kind when I first started teaching at Gates Chili. She was a classy lady and enjoyed working with students, faculty, and staff. God Bless.

  4. Jo Coffey Avatar
    Jo Coffey

    I had the pleasure of teaching with Vicki, in the English Department. She was such a lovely person, always with a smile, and, willing to help anyone at any time. She also was a strong woman who was not agraid to stand her ground for what she believed. Great lady !
    I ams so sorry for your loss

    1. Joy Swierk Avatar
      Joy Swierk

      I was certainly blessed to have been a student of Vicki’s at Gates Chili High School. She helped to prepare me for college by encouraging me to write with voice and add great detail to all of my assignments. I will always be grateful to her. After college, I returned to Gates Chili as an elementary teacher. Once again, I crossed paths with Vicki as she had become a mentor for new to district teachers. I also had the privilege of working with her daughter Kristen. Vicki, will be missed but never forgotten. I extend my thoughts and prayers to her family. May you all be blessed with so many wonderful memories of Vicki.

  5. Denise Tepas Avatar
    Denise Tepas

    Vicki and I worked together for many years at GC. We shared an office at GCMS and collaborated on several district committees. Vicki was professional, knowledgeable and fun!

  6. Ken Eckman Avatar
    Ken Eckman

    Vicki was a bright light at Irondequoit High School. Always kind, friendly and approachable, which made her a great leader.! I enjoyed working with her. Prayers to her family and friends.

  7. Barbara N. Chapman Avatar
    Barbara N. Chapman

    Vicki was a vibrant, talented educator with whom I had the honor of working with for a number of years at GC. How blessed we have all been to have had the privilege of knowing her. Bless you dear Vicki, until we meet again. My heartfelt sympathy to Larry, her children, and her beloved grandchildren.

  8. Lisa McGary Avatar
    Lisa McGary

    Vicki was a beautiful and generous soul and I was privileged to know her as a friend and mentor. How lucky I was (among many others at Gates Chili) to cross paths with Vicki, first at GC Middle School and later at the elementary schools. She was a powerful force in molding my view of instruction and learning. Vicki grounded her work in relationships throughout. Family was her priority. This was evident in her work in encouraging our youngest writers to tell their stories through Magic Writing and in using the wonderful picture book ‘When the Relatives Came’ to introduce writing process to teachers throughout the district. Vicki was the face I looked for when we sat in the auditorium for opening day; I cried the day she left GC for her leadership position in West Irondequoit. In between were thoughtful discussions about literacy and how to support our colleagues in instruction as well as huge outbursts of laughter (red folders anyone?) I am so sorry Kristen, Jonathan and Larry that you had to say good bye – it seems too soon. Vicki made a difference in thousands of lives. I am sorry that I am unable to be at her memorial and service, but sending hugs to all that are able to gather to mourn our loss and celebrate her life. God bless all.

  9. Linda McGinley Avatar
    Linda McGinley

    We were so fortunate that Vicki came to West Irondequoit as a curriculum leader for English 7-12. She was a consummate professional, respected by everyone she encountered. Vicki was one of the most hard working and passionate educators I ever had the privilege to work with and her warmth and caring ways made her leadership all the more influential. On a personal level, I am a better person having known Vicki. My heart goes out to Larry and Vicki’s children and grandchildren. I pray that the loving memories of times spent with Vicki sustain and nourish you in the days and weeks ahead. Rest peacefully, Vicki.

  10. Jean Russo Avatar
    Jean Russo

    I feel lucky to have worked with Vicki at Irondequoit High School. She was cheerful, kind to all, and a hard worker. Each year after she retired she sent a card to the English Department at the holidays. Sending sympathy and prayer to Vicki’s children and grandchildren.