Fairport: March 31, 2020
The Life of Beverly Ann Pink/Reynolds
Beverly was born on March 18, 1931 to George and Anna Pink of Genesee Park Blvd, Rochester, NY. Bev had two older brothers, Bill and Jack Pink. Her alma mater wasWest High School and graduated in 1949. She went on to earn her associate’s degree in liberal arts from Lasell Junior College in Boston. She enjoyed rowing and was a member of the Lasell Crew Team. After college, Bev worked as a secretary at Neisners. Not long after, she met Cal through Sunday Night Club at Calvary Baptist. They were married on June 6, 1953. Bev and Cal raised 3 children, Cal Jr, Greg, and Anne.
Beverly just turned 89 years old this past March. She always lived life to the fullest and was fiercely independent. This is Beverly…
Beverly was a lover of life. Always equipped with a positive attitude and her faith in God, she met every life circumstance head on with a smile. She had a zest for adventure and fun, but most importantly was there for others when in need. Beverly will be remembered for her thoughtful ways, contagious smile and laugh, and always making everyone aware of their importance to her. Bev was infamous for brightening someone’s day with a gift from the heart, the kitchen, or a homemade Hallmark card. These small acts of kindness amounted to something much greater over her lifetime, a place in the hearts of many, always surrounded by family and friends.
Beverly was a lover of music. Music was a part of Bev’s soul and spanned a lifetime starting at the age of 3 when she sang in the Calvary Baptist Cherub Choir. Her passion for music continued as she went on to take voice lessons at the Eastman School of Music when just a teen, honing her skills in opera performance and landing her vocals on a record. She held a love for opera her whole life, always seeking out her favorite performances locally, on WXXI, or jetting to NYC to attend at the Met. As the travel took a toll on her, she opted for watching her favorite Met Operas through HD Live Streams at the local Regal Theater. Her stamina was to be admired. Throughout her life, Bev was a huge supporter of local musical arts programming, such as WXXI, the RPO, Eastman Chamber Orchestra series, and Geva, in order to ensure their longevity. She even moved her family to Fairport when her children were young because of the renowned music program that the school district was known for. This was the start of instilling her love of music in her children. Bev also held memberships in several choirs in the Rochester community, including the Rochester Bach Chorus, Rochester Oratorio Society, and Genesee Valley Orchestra and Chorus (GVOC) right up until she turned 89 this past month. Bev’s love for GVOC provided her the opportunity to be a part of a group that not only challenged her musically, but also allowed her to bond with fellow musicians while having fun. Worshiping the Lord through music was also a big part of Bev’s life. She was a regular in the choir loft during Sunday morning church services at Fairport First Baptist in the early years, and First Baptist of Rochester for the last 20 years. Being a part of these groups was one of her greatest joys, as the fellowship and friendships she formed were very close to her heart. For fun, music was always integral to get-togethers and events that Bev hosted or attended. It was not unusual to have songbooks passed out with lyrics for sing-alongs, even for caroling outings during the Christmas season. Music was everything to Bev, the common thread that brought everyone together and brought so much healing at different moments in time. Bev was a soprano and her favorite musical piece to perform was Handel’s Messiah.
Beverly was a lover of antiques. Anyone who knew Bev knew she loved her Shaker furniture, primitive art, oriental rugs, dishware, and stoneware. Her collections grew as she took in antique shows, garage sales, and auctions at the Hancock Shaker Village. She loved it so much she eventually started her own antiques business in the 80’s.Bev could be seen at many annual antique shows all around the Rochester area. Her flair for entertaining came into play with her creative displays, using ladders, clotheslines, and other props to highlight her items.
Beverly was a lover of travel. Always on the go, Bev enjoyed extensive travel with her husband, family, and friends. Her adventurous spirit throughout the years brought her to different locales in the United States and Canada including National and Provincial Parks where they would camp, learn about regional history, find golf courses to play, and peruse antique shops for unique finds. On her many trips to Europe, Bev discovered her love for collecting Steiff bears when visiting Germany, and had a chance to visit her mother, Anna Seefried’s ancestral hometown of Bavaria. As a ski buff, travel destinations included Mount Snow, Sugarbush, Vail, Banff, and Mont Tremblant. Bev learned how to ski the moguls of life on these mountains.
Beverly was a lover of nature. Bev loved yellow flowering plants for the garden, bird watching (especially hummingbirds and cardinals), and just seeing the spring buds open up. Every trip taken incorporated scenic views and landscapes, and always checking out a botanical garden wherever they were. Beverly also loved working in the garden. She took much care with her gardens around the yard, making inventive pots for her flowers, plants or herb gardens. Bev’s garden was also a source of ingredients for her homemade jams and jellies, canned goods, and homemade fragrant oils and vinegars. Bev was known for her famous Dilly Beans, Pepper Jelly, and Chili Sauce. During the summer and fall, Bev could be seen supporting her local Farmer’s Market, as well as picking her own strawberries at local farms so she could make fresh strawberry jam. Before Martha Stewart, there was Bev.
Beverly was a lover of learning. Bev was a lifelong student. If there was a skill she wanted to acquire, she studied it. Embraced it. Owned it. When starting her family, she made sure everyone learned how to ski. She started small with lessons for the family at Powder Mill’s ski hill. Then winter weekends were soon filled with road trips to Bristol, Swain, Hunt Hollow, or Holiday Valley. Then, the yearly trips to Mount Snow in Vermont were a tradition that brought 5 families together for the skiing of a lifetime. When Bev wanted to start a business, she learned how to become a small business owner. That was the start of Beverly Reynolds Antiques. When microwaves become a thing, she signed the family up for classes at the community center. That was a big deal. But maybe not as big of a deal as technology. Bev embraced the computer in her 60’s, taking classes to learn how to incorporate it into her business and everyday life. Soon she was buying and selling on ebay and her business took on a new life. Once she got her first Kindle, her bookshelf slowly became thinned. It also allowed her to read her books until all hours of the night. Her most recent learning came with the name Alexa. She used it to access songs she was practicing for GVOC or to remind her to take her medications. But her favorite aspect of technology was her Hallmark software. Getting a homemade card printed from Bev’s computer was something everyone looked forward to.
Beverly was a lover of entertaining. Bev was a social butterfly. She had a gift for bringing everyone together.From her many social groups like the Sunday Night Club, Couples Club, Monroe Golf Club, Ski Group, Shaker Club, Bridge and Mahjong gals, West High Lunch Bunch/Reunion Committee, choral groups over the years, her besties from childhood and neighbors who became her closest confidantes, to her family, Beverly was surrounded by those who held her dear. She reciprocated her appreciation by putting much love into her meals for get-togethers, picnics and reunions, family holidays, and the homemade goodies that everyone looked forward to. She made the best homemade chocolate sauce for ice cream and no one could get enough of the highly sought after “secret recipe” Chex Mix that was generously gifted at Christmastime.
Beverly was a lover of family. Bev had a love for everything family. Her hobby of genealogy took her on a journey of compiling the family trees for the Reynolds, Pink, and Seefried families. She spent many hours on the computer tracking down ancestral relatives for this task, something that she shared with the family at reunions or get-togethers. Beverly was blessed to have a big extended family. She loved to stay connected to relatives across the US and made a point of traveling to see them, called and emailed often, and sent cards to let them know they were in her thoughts. And Bev made sure that birthdays were celebrated. Birthdays were important. Bev was important, and special to our family. Bev will be missed dearly, but she joins those she loves who have passed on before her.Bev loved well and was well loved. Rest in Peace, Beverly.Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, and Dear Friend to many, many, others. She is survived by her soul mate of 67 years, Calvin, her son Cal Jr (Robin Paladino), her son Gregory (and family), and daughter, Anne (Gary Siconolfi, Jr), grandsons Nicholas Reynolds (Haley Knapp), Erik Reynolds (Liz Kirchhoff), and Christopher Reynolds (CJ), and many nieces, nephews, and cousins.
In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation In Memoriam for Beverly Reynolds to the Genesee Valley Orchestra and Chorus. Click link here GVOC
A Celebration of Life will be held at a future date when everyone is able to gather together. More information to follow.
39 responses to “Reynolds, Beverly P.”
So sorry for the loss of your sweet mother Anne. She was a lovely lady who raised an amazing daughter . Our sincere condolences to you and your family. We love you. Mom and Frank
Thank you, love you too.
Sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you
Thank you
Oh how I will miss my lunches with cousin Bev, and all the hours we spent pouring over Seefried genealogy. She was one of the sweetest, intelligent, kindest people I have ever known. A life very well lived. <3 We love and grieve with you.
Thank you for sharing your memories, Pam. I know she loved time spent with you.
Oh Anne….we are so very sorry for your loss. Praying for you. xo
Thank you
Such a beautiful tribute to Bev. She lived an amazing life. It was a privilege to have known her. She shines through all of you. Much love, thoughts and prayers to your whole family!
She sure lived it to the fullest, thanks, Christy.
What a beautifully written testament to who Aunt Bev was…. Her joy and inner peace was contagious ?. All of us lucky enough to have known her will never forget her. Love to you all…. Look forward to when we can all be together again to celebrate her life.
Thank you, Diane, she loved spending time with all of you.
Such a sad loss, Bev was a wonderful person. Our best to Cal and family
Thank you
We are so sad to lose our Aunt Bev. She was a one of our most beloved family members, always in our hearts and at our gatherings. Anne, what a beautiful tribute and recollection of her life! She always was and is very proud of you. We already miss her dearly. Our tears, hearts, and prayers are with you all, Uncle Cal, Cal, Greg, Anne and all your families. May her memory be eternal.
Thank you, Anna and Kenny, she felt loved being a part of your lives.
We love you Bev. It was a pleasure knowing you!
Love David & Colleen
So sweet
Such a beautiful testament to Bev. I always enjoyed talking with her. She had the gift of drawing people close to her . I remember one day visiting she and Cal at their home in Pittsford, where she made us lunch, which included her homemade applesauce. It was delicious. She seemed to know people and their integrity, . Her smile lit up a room. She was wise beyond her time. I can only imagine the great reunion she had with all those she loved, whom went before her. She will be missed by so many. Rest In Peace, Bev.
Thank you for sharing, Marcia… she did make amazing applesauce. Love that memory.
Cal, The obit is a wonderful tribute to your mother. Very Sorry for your loss and the complications of mourning within the current pandemic.
Thanks Dave, very trying times we are in.
This is Cal’s nephew Doug and family from Alaska. We enjoyed visiting with Uncle Cal and Aunt Bev back in 2018. Bev sure did love music. And what a great card player. When I was younger, our family, Cal’s brother’s family, visited often to Upstate New York and always loved Bev’s energy. When the Sandhill Cranes arrive for the summer in Alaska, I will think of Bev and how one of them may have flown by her family in New York.
Hi Doug, I’m so glad we had time with all of you in spring of 2018. Mom and Dad were truly grateful for that visit.
Such a beautiful remembrance of Bev’s life, It brought back many memories that we had of her at church, GVOC concerts, antique shows, First Baptist Fellowship Club, etc. Our condolences to Cal and the rest of the family.
Thank you, Clark.
Sorry for your loss. We remember Bev best from various activities at 1st Baptist of Fairport and especially choir. The tribute to her is beautiful and would kindheartedly agree that she was an involved and enthusiastic person.
Thank you, Maxine & Jim.
happening. To the entireFamily,
So sorry to hear of Bevs’ passing. We have had so many wonderful years together camping ,and Holidays with our couples club. My mother, and Bevs Mother were friends way back in Calvary Baptist Church. You are all in our prayers. Another member has been added to the Heavenly Choirs.
Thank you, Barb & Jack… couples club, camping, the Christmas parties, all so many great memories. Everyone was like family.
On Behalf of all the friends who knew Bev through the world of Shaker, for decades, in the Rochester Area Shaker Study Group, and in the Berkshire Shaker Seminars, we sing her praises..”Tis a gift to have known her.”
Thank you, Fran & Herb. Shaker was such a big part of her life, she enjoyed your friendship dearly.
It is unfathomable how many people Bev touched and inspired in her lifetime. She was a wonderful neighbor and friend.and will certainly be missed.
Thank you, Jackie & Family, she cherished your friendship.
What an amazing woman! And what an amazing tribute to your mother! I knew Bev through the antique shows that we often did together. Bev was one of the first that I met, back in the 80’s, when we signed up for The Fairport Baptist Church Antique Show. She was wonderful to us, and we remained friends throughout the years. I saw her recently at one of the shows. It had been a long time, but we shared some very special memories. Your Mom lived a full and beautiful life… and will be thought of often! Sincerely, Linda Perkins
Thank you for sharing your memory, Linda. She cherished all of her antique friends, you were all such a huge part of her life.
I grew up with Bev on Westfield St & went to 44 school & West High school, swimming & ice skating at Genesee valley park. Built a big snow horse on her front yard in Gen Pk Blvd that cars stopped to take a picture of. We fell through the ice while walking on the ice & her mother called mine & told her about it, as I hadn’t. My whole life of 88 years was with Bev & my best friend & will miss her so!!!
She loved you so much, Margie… our hearts are with you.
Inspiring and uplifting. Go wit hGod you graceful lady. Prayers from Texas