Franz J. Sasse

Franz (Frank) J. Sasse of Fairport, NY passed away peacefully on July 5, 2024.  Frank was the beloved husband of Joanne Sasse; father to Robert Sasse and Monica (John) Taddeo; and grandfather (“Opa”) to Elizabeth and Sarah Taddeo. He is survived by his loving siblings Hedel (Jupp) Gröneweg, Ria (Friedel) Steupert, and Georg (Gerda) Sasse.

Frank was born in 1937 to Josef and Klara Sasse in Ibbenbüren, Germany. He immigrated to the United States in 1962, eventually moving to Rochester, NY to work at Gleason Works. While living at a boarding house in the City of Rochester, he met his wife, Joanne. Frank and Joanne married in 1966 and spent 57 happy years together.   

Frank and Joanne settled in Fairport where they raised their children Robert and Monica.  Frank loved his family and his home and spent his free time gardening, tinkering around the house, and enjoying his beloved backyard. In 2003, Frank became a grandfather, and he had many happy adventures with his granddaughters Lizzy and Sarah. Frank and Joanne had a passion for travel and treasured their many trips with family and friends across the country and around the world. 

His kind nature and quiet leadership remain an example of a life well lived. Frank was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and friend. He will be dearly missed.

~~ Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord ~~

Services will be held at Church of the Assumption on Friday July 19th at 11:15 am. 


9 responses to “Sasse, Franz J.”

  1. Juergen Steupert Avatar
    Juergen Steupert

    Onkel Franz was a beloved uncle who along with Tante Joanne helped create many memories over the years. Kind souls with loving hearts…..remembered forever.

  2. DAVE MONAHAN Avatar

    I worked with Frank for many years repairing machines at the Gleason Works. Frank had a talent for quick diagnosis of a machine problem and just how to repair it right so there was NO call-back.

    I learned a lot from Frank and his talent was passed forward to so many of us.

    My sincere condolences go out to Frank’s entire family.

  3. Shannon and Harry Wolf Avatar
    Shannon and Harry Wolf

    Frank and Joanne were wonderful neighbors. We enjoyed visiting with them at our Margo-Peppermill Christmas parties.

  4. Vito J Valenzano Avatar
    Vito J Valenzano

    Joanne, So sorry for your loss

  5. Louis T. Lotta, Sr. Avatar
    Louis T. Lotta, Sr.

    It was an honor to work with Frank on machine repair at the Gleason Works. He always asked to work with me. Here is a memory. I was assigned to run a different machine because another machine was down and needed repair, Frank came up to me and said I need your help Louie. I said the forman assigned me here. Frank went into his office and in a loud voice told my boss Louie works with me or the machine doesn’t get fixed. My boss came out and told me Lou you’re with Frank.

  6. Kate Thon Avatar
    Kate Thon

    Monica and John, you have a lovely and amazing family. I am so glad to have known your mother — and father — through Learning Links’ tutoring & youth program for multicultural kids. And of course Lizzy and Sarah too, as our student tutors.
    Franz wanting to follow Joanne to heaven isnt surprising for a loving husband, when he loses his bride first. This short time of both parents passing has been hardest on you and Robert. May God give you His strength to overcome grief and His peace, which is beyond all understanding.

    With love and friendship, Kate

  7. Georg Sasse - brother from Franz-Josef Avatar
    Georg Sasse – brother from Franz-Josef

    Heute am 19.Juli 2024 ist die Trauerfeier für meinen/unseren Bruder Franz-Josef. Gerne wären meine Frau Gerda und ich dabei und könnten uns direkt von Frank verabschieden. Aber das ist aufgrund der großen Entfernung leider nicht möglich. Als du – mein lieber Bruder- 1962 nach den USA auswanderste, da wussten wir alle, dass es mal so kommen wird. Unsere Schwester Ria ist ja bereits 1959 nach den USA ausgewandert. Wir vier Geschwister haben immer gesagt, wir besuchen uns zu Lebzeiten so oft wie eben möglich. Einmal in Deutschland, das nächste Mal in Amerika. Und das haben wir über Jahrzehnte auch so gemacht. Die Besuche waren immer Highlighst in unserem Leben. Jetzt ist unser älteste Bruder leider verstorben. Unsere Erinnerungen sind so intensiv, sodass wir dich – lieber Bruder- nie vergessen werden. RIP – Ruhe in Frieden -lieber Bruder.

  8. Georg Sasse - brother from Franz-Josef Avatar
    Georg Sasse – brother from Franz-Josef

    Today, July 19, 2024, is the funeral service for my/our brother Franz-Josef. My wife Gerda and I would be happy to be there and say goodbye to Frank directly. But unfortunately this is not possible due to the great distance. When you – my dear brother – emigrated to the USA in 1962, we all knew that this would happen. Our sister Ria emigrated to the USA in 1959. The four of us siblings have always said that we would visit each other as often as possible during our lifetime. Once in Germany, the next time in America. And we have done it that way for decades. The visits were always the highlight of our lives. Unfortunately our eldest brother has passed away. Our memories are so intense that we will never forget you, dear brother. RIP – rest in peace, dear brother.

  9. Janice Glende Avatar
    Janice Glende

    To Franz’s family
    Pelase accept our symapthies and prayers. Milt worked with Franz at Gleason Works for many years. He was a great mechanic and a wonderful many. Sincerely Milt (Jan) Glende