Judith WoodwardJudith Woodward

Judith Marie Woodward was born on September 23, 1949 in Chicago, Illinois. She grew up in Naperville, and moved to Rochester, New York in 1978 where she settled with her family in Perinton. There she raised her three children, Kelly, Erin and Matthew.

Judy was like a second mom to most of her children’s friends. She was endlessly gregarious, loving and understanding. Always willing to provide, whether it a couch to crash on, steady-handed advice, or just a warm, loving hug. She was effortlessly kind.

She moved to the village of Fairport in 1992. There, that same generous spirit which her children’s friends knew so well, found a new calling when Judy joined into local politics, like the Fairport Beautification Committee. Always looking to help make the world around her into a better place for everyone.

Judy loved the Adirondack Mountains, and traveled there often to vacation. The rustic, calm and enormous spirit of the landscape moved her, and she modeled her own home as if it were a cabin, surrounding herself with antiques, serene and small handmade things. A quiet life and little irreplaceable treasures, because she knew the great value of the world lived in the small things.

Her young grandkids, Nolan and Elliot, were the light of her life. She loved laughing with them and, with tremendous gusto and pride, would often recount the hilarious things they did and said on any given afternoon. Holidays were a sweethearted jubilee of family and food and gift-giving. She pulled out all the stops, because that’s the way it should be.

She instilled into her life, from her home to family and friends, a deep joy and gratitude for the hand God dealt her. Anything at all that was hers was also yours. She was everything to everyone: a reliable, unforgetting neighbor, a poetic drinking buddy, a grounded and powerful mother, and a good friend. And she expected that the world try to give that back to itself, indeed, against everything, to be always good and generous and kind. And to forgive.

She is survived by her loving Children Kelly (Woodward, Triolo), and husband Jamie, Erin (Woodward, Roughsedge) and husband Brad, and her son Matthew, and grandchildren Nolan Robert and Elliot David. She is also survived by her nephew Robert, and brother Robert and wife Julie.


5 responses to “Woodward, Judith M.”

  1. Rod Swikehardt Avatar
    Rod Swikehardt

    I’m very shocked and saddened at the loss of Judy.I was with her for 24 years and we shared alot together.. We had a lot of wonderful times.. Unfortunately I’m going to be out of town for the weekend in the mountains at a place we frequented often and loved. So knowing Judy as much as I did and the type of heart she possessed she would have planned it this way for me to be in the mountains with her spirit rather than at her funeral. My condolences to her family and I’m very sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful person. And will be sadly missed by many….

  2. Kelly, Erin & Matt….Little did I know when I met your Mom 23 years ago that we would share the BEST 7 years of our lives as “Bestie Neighbors”. Your Mom was a nurturer, an artist, a Garden Wiz, a teacher, and everyone’s best friend…..She will live in our hearts FOREVER!!!!!!!

  3. Judy and I shared many laughs and many tears. She had such a big heart and will be very sadly missed! With love, Judy: “Godspeed” . . .

  4. Suzan Louden Avatar
    Suzan Louden

    I have worked with Judy for a few years. I’ve loved her, laughed with her, even cried with her. She was my blessing and her children were her blessing. She loved you all and Matthew, she was so very proud of all you have accomplished and your immense talent. God bless you all, I know what a wonderful Mother you had and I will miss her very much. Judy, I loved you like a sister. It was an honor to know you!

  5. Donna Proctor Avatar
    Donna Proctor

    I worked with Judy for several years and became a friend immediately. She was so kind and just a wonderful spirited individual you could not help but enjoy her company. She adored her grandchildren so much and I loved how she lit up when she spoke about them. The same about her son and his accomplishments. She was such a proud woman who will be missed so very much.God Bless and RIP my friend.